Saturday, March 15, 2008

Big Boo & Little Boo--They Rule the Roost

These are pictures of the four-legged furry ones that rule my house. Yep, the house turns around the wants and needs of these two guys!
The yellow guy is Big Boo (the first real gift from Hubby to me). He is 14 years old and is our diabetic kitty. He requires two shots of insulin a day. I had never heard of animals being diabetic, but I guess they are not any different than we are with illnesses. He takes it pretty well and hubby has him trained to come for his shots and he gets a treat after each shot. He eats special food prescribed by the vet. He kind of reminds me of Puff in the Dick and Jane reading series in elementary school. That will take you back a few years.
The black cat is Little Boo. My nieces rescued him after he suffered some head injuries. They spent about $400 having him treated at the vet's and then he landed at my house for safekeeping. His head wounds healed nicely (you can't even tell) and is a real joy to have around.
Both pictures were taken when they were trying to nap. By the way, Little Boo gets a treat when Big Boo gets one because they are buddies and Little Boo stands guard to make sure Big Boo doesn't get hurt. It happens that way twice a day. The little guy watching out for the big guy.
Both love attention and usually end up in hubby's lap when he is watching TV or catching a "cat nap" in his recliner. A sight to be seen. All three snoozing. These are the guys in my life.
I can stand on my soap box about having pets and taking care of pets, but I won't. Watch for my post about "Sam" my sisters recent rescue--a chocolate lab. He is too cute.

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