Sunday, February 26, 2012

Big Boo and the Rainbow Bridge

I thought I should post something about the passing of my best four-legged friend for over 18 years, Big Boo. He was the first present I ever received from my Hubby. Hubby did not like me being alone when he was not around. So Big Boo entered my life. He was a freebie. The first yellow kitten I picked-up, I kept -- Big Boo. He has been very sick over the last four months. So on February 16th at about 9:30 PM, Big Boo said goodbye to me and Hubby. He has made his way to the Rainbow Bridge as I was told by Big Boo's doctor -- Dr. Chris. Thank you Dr. Chris for taking such good care of Big Boo these last few months. I knew when I got up on the 16th that it was going to be a hard day for my little furry friend. I came home and he could hardly walk without falling over. I held him for a couple of hours while he slept. He woke up in convulsions. Hubby and I called Dr. Chris and made the trip to his office.  We stayed with Big Boo to the end and brought him home to lay him to rest. I am going to get two yellow roses to plant near Big Boo in his memory. I will always miss you Big Boo!!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I love the pictures you have of Big Boo. I had forgotten how tiny he was when you first got him ;)

The poem was lovely.